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050505 - Gibrahayer. Agenzia degli Armeni Ciprioti
• "In order to understand what we lost in 1915, we need to be able to look into people's faces, not into the archives. "
• Diaspora Armenians, with whom we are so angry, are the grandchildren of the people who once lived on these lands, that their origins are in this soil, and that in their essence they are of this soil, and that they are our people and our relatives.
• " ... there is nothing Turkey can win in the "genocide game".
• regardless of whether you call it deportation, genocide,massacre, or internecine fighting, and regardless of whether you call it ethnic cleansing or a "tragedy", in the end "We" are the losers.
• In order to really be able to discuss the Armenian question, Turkey first of all must deal with its own official thesis, the confessions it contains, and manage to face those sad truths.

April 2005 issue (An online Turkish journal)

Deportation in Essence or So-Called Genocide..does it Really Matter?
By Yigit Bener
You can read the article in English by clicking here
Translated for Groong
Nicosia May 3, 2005 (Gibrahayer) One year after the passing away of Archbishop Zareh Aznavourian, the Armenian community of Cyprus remembered the saint that once lived among us.
On Friday 29 April, 2005 at 8:00 pm at Utudjian Hall The Armenian Prelature of Cyprus organised a Kinetzon on the occasion of the publishing of the book on Sermons delivered by Archbishop Zareh Aznavourian.
On Saturday 30 April 2005 at 4:00 pm. the Preparation of Harissa and Aghorhnek got under way at the Sourp Asdvadzadzin Church yard which was followed by Hsgoum at 7:00 pm. On Sunday May 1, Holy Mass and Madagh on the Name Day of Sourp Magar Monastery at Sour Asdvadzadzin Church, was followed by the inauguration ceremony of a statue of Zareh Srpazan at the yard of Sourp Asdvadzadzin Church, in Nicosia, on the occasion of the first anniversary of his passing away.
Present at the event were Hounahayots Arachnort Der Khoren Yebisgobos Doghramadjian, Gibrahay Temi nakhkin Arachnort Yeghishe Dzayrakouyn Vartabed Manjikian and benefactors of the statue of Zareh Srpazan Mr. & Mrs. Aleco Bezikian.
For images of the three day celebrations please go to:
For the official press release from The Armenian Prelature, click here

Gibrahayer correspondent in Aramus village - Armenia Starting May 1, 2005, Armenia will have new area and mobile codes. This new numeration is developed by Armentel because a new provider of mobile communications "K-Telecom" will be introduced to the Armenian market.
From abroad to Yerevan, Marzes, ArmenTel Mobile network, K-Telecom, NK fixed tel. network and NK Mobile network:
Yerevan +374 + 10 + subscriber number instead of +374 + 1+ number
ArmenTel Mobile network +374 + 91 + subscriber number instead of + 374 + 9+ number


A lot of our e-magazine subscribers have been sending stories of their memories of Vahan Bedelian. We have decided to share them with you in this special section. Feel free to send your stories to
I wanted to say a little sentence regarding Mr. Bedelian and memories from him.
Vahan Bedelian told us the story on how he and his family were saved from the Death Marches. Governor of Der Zor Shukru Pasha (who sent 80,000 Armenians to death) eyed young Bedelian, held his violin and listened to him while he played a Turkish taxim.
In our music classes in Melikian he used to say:
."As choutage, ge desnek? As choutagn e vor azadets zis Turkeren!" (Holding his violin up and with tears in his eyes!)
Ani Der Nishanian - Nicosia
This corner is reserved for local artist Tatiana Ferahian's comic strips which are amalgamations of Armenian-Cypriot social commentaries, painted with her usual wry and ironic humour, to stimulate and encourage awareness and interest toward our community's everyday happenings.
BBC Online:
BBC Online:
Reuters UK:
BBC Online:
IC Wales:

Turks Confront Dark Chapter of Armenian Massacres

The blackest page of history - By Yair Auron

Thank you Mihran Keheyan from London, Annik Minasaganian from California, Sylvia Bourdjian from (?) Mihran Boyadjian from Larnaca and Doris Cross from New York (now in Larnaca), and Garabed Meguerdijian from Limassol, Cyprus
The following statement was distributed to the media on April 28, 2005 on behalf of Benon Sevan.

Armenian Cypriot artist Nanor Tashdjian exhibited her works in Cardiff, Wales. from April 12 - April 21, 2005 at the Temple of Peace, Cathays Park. Images at:

Dear Mr. Aynedjian,
First and foremost, I wish to thank you for including me in your e-mailing list to receive the regular issues of "Gibrahayer." I extend to you, your family, your colleagues, and the entire Armenian community in Cyprus my prayers and sincere wishes for the best of health, safe journeys, success in all good works, and every Blessing of happiness and peace in your lives always.
I am a third-generation American-Armenian, but I have a tremendous respect and interest for the Armenian communities throughout the island of Cyprus. As a student of both Armenian ecclesiastical history and European history, Cyprus has factored quite impressively in my studies, and I am indeed very blessed to have visited your beautiful island in 1989.
As a theologian and Church historian, you can imagine my personal revulsion at seeing the photos of the desecration of the old cemetery and at reading about the callous manner in which the "dominical seals" which were lovingly and ritually placed upon each sepulchre have been broken.
May Almighty GOD bless and keep the souls of the righteous in Eternal Light, and may all those who mourn be comforted by the Hope of Resurrection and by the loving prayers of family and friends.
The specific point of my letter to you is to enquire whether anyone has endeavoured to compile a photographic history of the Armenian churches, monasteries, schools, and other important buildings throughout the island? Given the catastrophic uprooting suffered in 1974, and the subsequent destruction of centuries-old structures (some by invaders, others by locals, and still others through neglect and greed), it seems imperative that a catalogue be created to document before-and-after images of the very important and very special Armenian communities throughout Cyprus.
As the years pass, it is crucial that an archive be established to compile and research the long-standing and upstanding contribution of the Armenians to Cyprus, and particularly to provide documentary evidence of the various, historic structures constructed and maintained by the Armenians.
If you are aware of either an organization or perhaps a dedicated student who is preparing such a catalogue, I would be very interested in extending my support to this worthwhile effort. Please convey my sentiment as well as my contact information to whomever you feel would be most receptive to undertaking this critical project.
Once again, thank you for sending the e-mails, and thank you for keeping me and the world informed of the on-going activities of the vibrant community in Cyprus. I am not certain whether the Armenian Church in Cyprus celebrates Easter according to the traditional calendar with the Greek Orthodox, but if so, I wish you all a very joyous Easter this week!

Prayerfully yours, with thanks and continued interest,

Rev. Dr. George (Giragos) A. Leylegian
San Francisco, California

Dear Rev. Leylekian,
Thank you for your kind words and prayers.
I am posting your email so that my subscribers can contact you direct.
On my part I will be sending a dozen of my best images of Armenian schools, Churches and other Armenian establishments on the island, that I have compiled over the years.
Warmest regards from Cyprus
Simon Aynedjian

Saro Nadjarian was in Paris during April 24. He sends these images of the demonstration that he took.

Hi Simon:
Thank you for the very informative information regarding the Armenians in Nicosia, Cyprus.
Just a note to tell you that I attended the 90th Armenian Genocide Commemoration in New York City, N.Y. on Sunday, April 24th. It was very moving and inspiring for me as my mother was a survivor of this horrendous act. She would tell all of us, 2 brothers and a sister what happened to her. Of course, I was a small child then, but it is very vivid in my memory. To see some of the survivors, was quite important to me. Also, I must commend all of the young people who were there. They are the future generation of Armenians.
The news about the Armenians in Cyprus will be very helpful to my husband, as he was born and brought up in Cyprus before he came to America. We will be celebrating our 53rd Wedding Anniversary on May 3rd. His name is: Ara Horenian.
Again, many thanks for all the information.
Sincerely, Lucine Tashian - New York

Dear Simon,
I write to you from Ventura, California where I reside with my husband and two sons. We read Gibrahayer regularly and love the subscription. Needless to say, we are Armenian with American nationality and, although this seems odd to many people, we are planning on relocating our family to Cyprus permanently sometime in the next few years. Toward that end, we have already purchased a flat in Nicosia and will be visiting Cyprus sometime late this summer.
Many people have asked us, "why Cyprus?". One of the reasons we picked Cyprus is that I have some family history there... my grandfather (Asadour Bedian) was the principal of Melkonian for 12 years and my aunt and uncle both graduated from high school there. My mother and father were also married in Cyprus. So, we have a lot of fond memories there.
But, more importantly, we want to move back to a country where the afternoon siesta is still appreciated, where kids still play out on the streets, where consumerism doesn't rule the day, and where we do not feel responsible for the bombs being dropped on innocent people.
We know that in order to live/work in Cyprus we will have to find jobs and be sponsored and we have been warned of the difficulties of doing this. My husband is currently working towards his PhD in clinical psychology with the intention of teaching at the college/university level. I am a high school counselor and have also taught elementary school. So, we are hopeful that we will be able to find jobs in the educational setting. We have a few contacts already in Cyprus (Vartan Tashjian, don't know if you know him... is an old friend of the family).
So, I'm writing to see if you have any suggestions for us. Would you recommend an Armenian lawyer who may be able to help us out? We greatly appreciate your time and any advice you may be able to offer. Thank you in advance.
Natasha and Victor Sargissian - Ventura California
Welcome to Cyprus!
I have had the privilege to say that to five families only last year who have decided to make a move to Cyprus from Australia, UK, France and Lebanon.
I will make sure you meet them when you come to Cyprus and compare notes. I will also find an Armenian lawyer for you to start communicating with. I would also like to include the first part of your email to Gibrahayer e-magazine.
You will be amazed at the response you might get.
Looking forward to meeting up with you in the summer.
Warmest - Simon Aynedjian

Dear Simon:
I read the following on your newsletter:

Hi Simon,
The United States District Court Central District of California: Decision is against Mutafian. Here is the decision:
" A Hearing was held April 4, 2005, at which the Court denied Petitioner's (Mutafian's) Motion to Remand, and Denied Respondent's (AGBU's) Motion to Transfer, but took Respondent's Motion to Dismiss under submission. After further review of all papers filed by both parties on the Motion to Dismiss, the Court now grants Defendant's Motion to Dismiss the Petition without leave to Amend, and signs the proposed order submitted by Respond."
Rita Mahdessian - Yeghyayian - California

Considering the dependable source of the above information, I would have much preferred if the above statement which is expressed in legal terminology, included also the reason for dismissal. It is not complete and raises certain questions in the mind of the reader. Why it was dismissed?
AGBU has posted on their web site their version under "Latest News". Personally, I would not take their word for an answer, they twist the facts and they come up with a declarations purely for public consumption.
I wish I could ask Rita Mahdessian-Yeghyayian (spelling is same as written above), why their law office has not bothered to release same communique directly to the plaintiff, since, I know for a fact, that they are directly or indirectly involved with the lawsuit filed in California. I am sure, the Melkonian Alumni located in Los Angeles and the Patriarch of Constantinople would have appreciated their diligence.
I think my remark is justified by all concerned.
Jirair Magarian

President Robert Kocharian responds to Turkish prime minister's letter
27.04.2005 11:33 YEREVAN (YERKIR) - "Dear Mr. Prime minister. I received your letter. Indeed, as neighbors, we should try to find ways for living in peace now and in the future.
Therefore, Yerevan suggested from the very beginning to establish diplomatic relations, open the borders and start a dialogue between the two countries and peoples. In the world, and in particular in Europe, there are neighboring countries that have had difficult past to which they hold different views, but it does not prevent them from having open borders, normal relations, diplomatic links, representatives in their respective capitals, and along side with all this, discuss disputed problems.
Your proposal to review the past would not be useful if it does not touch the present and the future. To engage in an effective dialogue, we need to create a favorable political environment."
ARTSAGANG You can now read the Armenian community's 24- page monthly Armenian publication (April 2005 issue number 122) in front of your computer in pdf format at
Artsagang April 2005
Artsagang's Greek and English sections can be read at
Greek- English Artsagang April 2005

Khmpakragan: Ayskan Charik
Articles: Hamayn Hayoutiune Ge Nshe Bahanchadiroutian 90ameage - Vahan Aynedjian
Spyourki nor ouje Yevrobahayoutiune - Dr.Antranik Ashdjian
Nor Dzaghgaplour - Massis Der Partogh
Hachort Ore - Simon Aynedjian
Sections: Hay gyank, Desaged, Gibrahay, Mshagouyt
Poems: Hagop Sargavak Tenjoukian, H.Anmah
•At present 190 music, art schools and children's and youth creative centers function in Armenia. 26 of them are in Yerevan.
• Speaking during a mass in a Prague church, Yaromir Stetina, a member of the Czech Republic Parliament, announced he would be working towards introducing an Armenian Genocide bill in the Czech Republic Parliament,
• "We recognize the Armenian Genocide and share the pain of the Armenian people by condemning the 1915 events," a representative of the European Turkish Workers' Confederation told reporters on April 24 at the Armenian Genocide Memorial in Yerevan.
• On April 24, the System of a Down, played the third annual "Souls" benefit concert at the Gibson Amphitheatre in Los Angeles. The tickets for the 6,000-seat hall were long sold out. Booklets on the Armenian Genocide were placed on each seat.
• Governor Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas has issued a proclamation marking the 90th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, making the Sunflower State the 38th U.S. state to go on record commemorating this crime against humanity.
• "The Armenian Genocide and Historic Memory," by Dr. Verzhine Svazlian, has been published in Turkey. The editor of the Turkish version is Turkish author and human rights advocate Ragip Zarakolu. The book also contains accounts by 650 survivors of the 1915-1922 Genocide scattered around the world.
• the semi-final of the cup.
Cyprus FUTSAL Cup semi finals. ARARAT - OMONIA. Friday 6th of May 2005, 20.15 hrs at Melkonian. Second game is on Thursday 12 May 2005.
• Alex Topalian (75 Kg Category) and Krikor Ohanian (90Kg + Category) competed in the Cyprus Body Building Grand Prix which took place on Wednesday April 27, 2005 at the Nicosia Conference Centre (Philoxenia Hotel). Alex Topalian came 2nd in the 75kg Category. Krikor Ohanian came 1st in the 90+ Kg Category. He will be representing the Republic of Cyprus at the European Body Building Championships next week in Romania.
• International Seniors Cup at The Larnaca Tennis Club, organised by The Cyprus Tennis Federation. May 7-14, 2005 with the participation of ten countries.
• Macedonia International Senior Tennis Championships in Thessaloniki - Greece. 14-21 May 2005. Acropolis Cup by BNP Paribas in Athens - Greece from June 1 - 12, 2005. Representing Cyprus in both events are Haig Ashdjian and Simon Aynedjian. The 2005 ITF calendar can be viewed at

g i b r a h a y c a l e n d a r

• Dinner in honour of Armenian Relief Society (HOM) Central Executive Board Chairperson Maro Minassian (USA) organised by the Cyprus "Sosse" Chapter, on Wednesday 4 May, 2005 at 8:30 pm at Laiki Sporting Club.
* Saturday May 7th - Lilit Pipoyan in concert
* Saturday May 14th - A special Commemorative Concert on the occasion of the 90th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide will take place at LSO St Luke's at Jerwood Hall, 161 Old Street, London EC1V 9NG, on 14 May 2005, at 7:30 pm.
The Barn Sinfonietta of Oxted, with 24 professional musicians and solo violin - Susanna Gregorian (from Germany) under the baton of Johan Michael Katz and Rachael Maher - leader, will perform:
Alan Hovhanness - Psalm and Fugue Op 40,
Aram Khachaturian - Guyane Ballet Suite (Adagio),
Edward Mirzoyan - Symphony for strings and timpani,
Alexander Arutunian - Violin Concerto, Komitas - Krunk
Tickets / Reservations are available at the Barbican Box Office or on 020 7638 889.
* Saturday June 11th - HYE Boat Party
•Performance dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and the 70th anniversary of the death of Gomidas Vartabed by the Children's Choir of Sourp Stepanos Sunday School under Rev. Mashdots Ashkarian at the Larnaca Municipality Hall on Sunday May 8, 2005 at 4:00 pm.
• Yervant Odian's "Ser ou Dzidzagh" on Sunday May 8, 2005 at 8:30 pm at PASIDY by The "Timag" Theatre Company of Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association "Oshakan" Cyprus Chapter.
• Armenian musical duo of Jean Davidian and Marie Louise Kouyoumdjian perform at the Palm Beach Hotel in Larnaca every Saturday. Marie Louise sings at Champs Club every Friday.
• Lecture by Peter Balakian on Friday May 20, 2005 at 8:30 pm at Intercollege organised by The Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association Cyprus "Oshakan" Chapter, in co-operation with Intercollege Research Center.
•The Melkonian Alumni and the Oshakan Cyprus Chapter of the Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association are co-organising a Book-Launch and a cultural evening dedicated to Vahan Bedelian on Wednesday 25 May 2005 at The Nareg School Hall, with the participation of Bedelian's prominent student Levon Chilingirian.
• Saturday May 28th, 2005. 87th anniversary Celebrations of the Independence of Armenia organised by AYMA / HMEM.
• AYF Badanegan Mioutian get-togethers take place on Saturday at 3:30 pm at AYMA. Contact Vartoog Karageulian on 24-659245.
• AYMA/HMEM Chicco Football practices take place every Friday from 7:00 - 8:30 pm for children starting from the age of 7. Contact Krikor Mahdessian on 99650897.
• AYMA/HMEM Table Tennis practices take place every Saturday from 5:30 pm under the guidance of ex-Cyprus Champion Sirvart Costanian. Classes for all ages.
• AYF meetings every Wednesday at 9:00 pm at AYMA.
• For more details of the next Bible Study Class organised by the Armenian Prelature at the Vahram Utudjian Hall of The Armenian Prelature call Father Momik Habeshian direct on 99 307966 or at the Prelature Office on 22 493560 email
• Armenian Radio Hour on The Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation via real audio on . Broadcast 17:00-18:00 local Cyprus time (14:00-15:00 GMT)
• The Armenian Prelature announces that the next permit for the Armenian Cemetery visitation at Ayios Dhometios on the Green line, is on Sunday 8 May and Sunday 22 May 2005.
• Every Wednesday from 7-8 pm (Cyprus time + 2 GMT) on CyBC's Trito, Puzant Nadjarian presents the "History of the Blue". Internet edition on

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