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05 10 2007 - Military Psychology and Sociology Series
“ARARAT” Center for Strategic Research presents
Military Psychology and Sociology Series
Volume I
by Norman Copeland
The book represents a popular analysis and description of many important issues in military psychology and training. It discusses, inter alia, the morale and psyche of troops, psychological aspects of discipline, reasons behind the feelings of fear and horror among soldiers, their influence on the combat efficiency of troops, and the means and factors for effective leadership of a commanding officer. The author, in a compelling manner, talks about the problems of command and management in the army.
The opinions and conclusions of the author are illustrated by examples from world military history and, in particular, the war experience of the British army. The instructive stories from the lives of great commanders and military aphorisms are utilized amply as well.
The popular book by English military psychologist Norman Copeland was first published during the World War II. The book had several later editions (the latest in 2007); it was also translated and had two editions in Russian (in 1960 and 1991).
Upon the initiative of the “ARARAT” Center for Strategic Research, the complete translation of this work was done by the prominent Armenian psychologist Albert Nalchajyan, who also provided the commentaries as well as wrote the epilogue to the Armenian edition of the book.
The “ARARAT” Center for Strategic Research is hopeful that this publication will promote studies of military psychology in Armenia, particularly of the issues in ethnic psychology of an Ar¬menian soldier. Henceforth, it will contribute to the development of proper non-traditional means for the strengthening of the discipline, the preclusion of desertion cases and the creation of an atmo¬sphe¬re of brotherly relations in the Armenian Army.
The book is aimed for the officers, sergeants, soldiers and all those who are interested in military psychology and military history.

For more information please contact the “ARARAT” Center’s PR Coordinator Ruzanna Amiraghyan at (091) 21-46-78 or or

Annette Meluikian

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