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Iniziativa Culturale:



27 09 2007 The following response is from Armenia.
The interview on You Tube is in nine consecutive parts. The web site is:
The following response is from Armenia.

1) How is it possible that a person like Ashot Bleyan serves as the chief educator and principal of one of the largest state schools in Armenia? He is unable to think logically, he demonstrates his sexual complexes even during the TV talk-show, his ideology of denial of anything Armenian -- homeland, Artsakh, culture -- is inevitably affecting the ideology of the pupils of his school, where he carries on similar propaganda as well.

2) How is it possible that a state official -- and he is one -- conducts this anti-state, anti-army, anti-national propaganda?

3) Ashot Bleyan is also a convicted criminal, who has served his term in prison in the late 1990's on embezzlement charges. How is it possible that a convicted person is given such a responsible post of an educator for 2,000 schoolchildren?

4) How is it possible that the current Minister of education Levon Mkrtchian who is a leading Dashnaktzakan, who does not react to the fact that Bleyan is trying to educate "Yenicheries" out of Armenian children. While he either shall demand Bleyan's resignation or submit his own! The same could be said about the ARF's indifferent position to this question.

5) How is it possible that Armenia's Prime-Minister, who is the leader of the Hanrapetakan party and a candidate for the presidency of Armenia, out of about 1,000 schools in Armenia, chooses exactly Bleyan's school for his September 1 visit (the first day when academic year starts)? Check this site:

6) How is it possible that a leading Armenian TV channel pooh-poohs the importance of state language and doesn't provide any translation to a foreign language speaker? By the way, Sahakyantz has been living in Armenia for more than three decades and actually knows Armenian pretty well.

Harout Bronozian
Glendale, California

A response from Los Angeles

I say we prepare a petition and get as many Diaspora and Homeland Armenians to sign requesting Bleyan's removal from his post, duties, etc.The same with the other imbeciles, including the TV hosts.

Angela Barseghian
Los Angeles

Angela Barseghian

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