Zatik consiglia:
Iniziativa Culturale:



Artsakh ( Nagorno-Karabagh )
Dear Friends:
On September 4, 2007, Dr. Armen Ayvazyan, the director of "Ararat" Center For Strategic Research, was invited on Armenia TV in Yerevan to discuss on the matter of self determination of Artsakh ( Nagorno-Karabagh ) people and to his dismay and any prior knowledge of who were to be his interlocutors in the program he was confronted with headmaster of "Mkhitar Sebasttsi " educational complex, Mr. Ashot Bleyan , an outspoken and consistent opponent of the self-determination of Nagarno-Karabagh's people and Mr. Robert Sahakyantz a cartoon film maker.

The TV program which was aired on National television and You Tube has brought a rather stormy reaction from all sections of population in Armenia and diaspora and many have questioned the poor judgement and taste of television programmers in choosing and inviting controversial and discredited individuals such as Mr. Ashot Bleyan on this particular television program.

For your viewing, we would like to provide you with this You Tube video program. It is consisted of 9 parts for a duration of 72 minutes. We encourage you to watch it in its entirety. A good friend has mentioned that " Enemies of the Armenian people are within us and we are doing nothing about it! " Another friend has called that "A strong reaction from diaspora is needed.." Another concerned individual has said, " I say we prepare a petition and get as many diaspora and homeland Armenianns to sign requesting Bleyan's removal from his post, duties, etc." We have also included other remarks by other individuals who are outraged by viewing the program.

Feel free to provide your comments to You Tube or to We strongly believe that diaspora and all Armenians need to react to the Bleyan-Sahakyantz phenomenon where their ideology of denial of anything Armenian- homeland, Artsakh, culture- is evident.

Best regards,

" Ararat Foundation "


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