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03 02 2007 - Armenians, Kurds and Turks unite to call for Armenian Genocide recognition by the UK parliament
Paris, Febuary 3, 2007
One week after the Armenian Genocide was officially recognised at the Holocaust Day Event in Newcastle (UK)
Armenians and Kurds gathered with Turkish intellectuals in a vigil outside the House of Commons, London tuesday, 30th january to honour Hrant Dink and to call on the UK government to help the process of reconciliation between our peoples by the Recognition of the truth of the Armenian Genocide. .

The vigil was led by Lord Avebury, and included the singing of the "Hair Mer" by Seta Cox. Later, inside the House of Commons the Tribute to Hrant Dink was held. A message from the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation was read, followed by aneloquent oration on Hrant's signifigance from Prof. Khatchatur Pilikian.
Seta Cox read her poem of tribute to Hrant "Without You". This was followed by an insight into Hrant's personality and a masterly analysis of the Armenian Genocide by Prof. Hovannes Pilikian. Eilian Williams of Armenia Solidarity made the point that Turkish democracy at present is based on the lie that there was no Genocide of Armenians,and appealed for all to strive for a multi-cultural Turkey where the Human rights of minorities are respected. Messages of solidarity were given by Kurdish and Turkish supporters, including Dr Fariudin Hilmi, a former minister in the government of Iraqi Kurdistan and also by Mustapha Yesacan.The Kurdistan National Congress and other Kurdish groups as well as the Turkish-Kurdish Centre in London were represented.

Relayed from London by Jean Eckian


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